As Owner of Cirque Athletics, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to “The Troupe”. We are Cirque Athletic’s Aerial Competition Team. Each athlete accepted on the team dedicates their time and talents, taking numerous aerial classes as well as participating in fundraising events to raise money as part of being a member of the team. In The Troupe’s second year, we are looking to raise money to travel to out-of-state competitions, acquire eye-catching costuming and pay for additional training that is not within our immediate area.
Donate Directly to Le Troupe
As a small and newly developed team with big aspirations, we rely on the support of many to ensure that we can continue to travel and grow in the world of the Circus. While you can donate exclusively to your desired athlete, we also want to allow you the ability to give to the entire team.
Our Donation Program allows people like you
–who support our values, beliefs and aspirations–
to donate directly to The Troupe.
“Success is best when it’s shared”
We are not here to solely win a First or Second place, we made the decision to compete so that we can get our students' performance experience in front of the people that grant scholarships, offer contracts and provide awards. We participate in competitions for the opportunity to see what is current in the aerial world and to learn from specialty instructors and master coaches currently working in the professional community. Competing prepares students to create a goal and develop the discipline to prepare an artistic piece within a time period that will be subject to constructive criticism which will, if channeled positively and with a growth mindset, will make them better artists and performers. Members of The Troupe are encouraged to express themselves artistically in celebration of their own unique style.